Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This post is a little late, better late then never. Each year we bring a group of the teens out into the woods and make them "survive". So we did it again. We packed 14 teens into 3 vehicle and made our way north. We had a great time this year at Survivor.........It's a leadership training that we do with the youth group towards the end of the summer. We take the kids to the middle of the woods, give them a few challenges to complete and make them "survive". They have to build their own shelters and cook their food. We spent two days out there, the bugs were horrible and it was really hot. I complained more then the kids did. O ya and I found bear poop, yes I said bear poop.....parents don't freak. The kids are safe. God is doing great things this year and I can't wait to see how He will work.

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