Saturday, June 16, 2012

summer fun

 Reading with gaga (she was home for the week)
 Swimming with "swimmies" for the first time

 Addison and I making funny faces while camping

 painting with sidewalk paint (thank you pinterest)

And the last day of school
It's hard to believe Eli finished his first year of school.  We are looking forward to a fun packed summer with a trip to Mackinaw, NTS Olivet and a few weeks in Colorado.

Enjoy your summer
O' and on an adoption note our homestudy should be done this week.
Eli's birthmom is pregnant.  At this point she is parenting.  Please pray for protection for her and for clarity and discernment for us.

Grace and peace.......

Friday, April 13, 2012

the critter barn

Okay, I have this big dream of becoming a farmer.
And our trip today makes the dream bigger and a dream of the past.
I love the animals, especially the babies. But at the same time that is a lot of work.

We had a chance to feed the "kids" baby goats, and the calf's. We held the chicks, pet bunnies and milked a goat

All of the kids had a blast!!!!

Eli was in his GLORY....he had so much fun with all of the animals. When we asked him which was his favorite he said the pig...(I was surprised by that, it's usually the horse's)

We are very blessed to have such great teachers that plan such wonderful trips and love our kiddo's so much....

And driving home, I realized just how great it is to live in West Michigan.

I am grateful for all of the farmers (we drove past a lot of farms) in the area that work so hard.

Enjoy the spring weather this weekend!!!

Grace and peace to you this weekend!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A day at the garden and more

Eli showing off his artwork!!!!

A Valentine gift from school
It had a clever mustache valentine saying on it, to sweet.!!!!

And the Fredrick Meijer Garden butterfly exhibit.

This week the 8 day forecast is 70's!!! We are taking FULL advantage of this great weather and playing outside as much as possible!!!

I hope you can find time to enjoy the early spring weather!!!

Grace and Peace!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

a little inspiration

So, I picked this painting up at a garage sale this summer for $2.50. And had a great idea to transform it into something modern.

I started by cutting the letters out of contact paper on my Cricut.

Then painted over the letters with white wall paint that we had laying around.

After the paint dried, I removed the letters.

Viola, the finished product!!!!

This isn't the final resting place. I have another place in mind. But this is the spot for the time being.

Happy day to you!!

Grace and Peace!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's done

Finally it is latest creation. I tried something called a disappearing 9....and it was really fun to make. If I weren't such a procrastinator it would have been done A LONG time ago...but I am and it took me forever. Now that it's done I should use this as motivation to do the next one!!! Serenity Grace your next. There seems to be a trend I get these blankets done by there 6 months mile stone. Better late then never.9 patches

squares stitched together

The finished quilt!!!!

I hope you are enjoying the sun.. I sure am!!!!!

Grace and Peace!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

girls getaway!!!!!

My girlfriends and I are enjoying a weekend away. The objective is scrapbooking. With a little snacking (okay maybe a lot of this), hot tubing, sleeping and funny pictures.

These silly pictures remind me of how important it is to let your hair down and have fun sometimes!!!!!

Do something silly today. It will be well worth it!!!

Grace and Peace!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


We try every now and again to wear "big boy undies"
here are pictures from one of our attempts. He is wearing little boy boxers.
O' so cute...I just love his little bum...


Monday, January 30, 2012

It's been

Well it's been awhile. Not to much going on these days around here. Still waiting for our home study to be approved......and then we wait for a birth mom to choose really it's like being pregnant.....lots of waiting. Eli is doing great in school. He just loves to be with his friends and with his teachers. And I think they love him just as much. What's not to love, right?

Justin is still pluggin away at Grace Bible College. Although I think he is getting wherry. And me, well I'm still adjusting to the stay at home thing....don't get me wrong I LOVE IT....I just need to make better use of my time!!!!!

Well here are a few pics, cause I know that's what you've been waiting to see!!!!

(These pics are in no particular order!!!)

Thanks pinterest for the idea(food coloring in a spray bottle)

Wilson and Blue playing while we open gifts Christmas morning

Justin and Eli playing with the race track..notice the bright sun shinning on them....I love the sun we have had this winter

Eli and grandma making popcorn balls...or shall we say Eli eating as much as he can..before she can make the balls!!!

decorating the tree....I love to do this and it's fun to see Eli helping

Uncle Mark and Eli at Yankee Springs the day after Christmas....we MUST take advantage of the sunshine!!!!.....and I love this time I get with them too!!!

Eli bowling with his class

Eli's teacher Miss Joy...O' how we love her and all of his teachers!!!!!

I hope you are all enjoying the snow....this has been a crazy winter, but it's been a fast's almost February, hard to believe....soon spring will be here and school will be done for the year....

Grace and Peace.......