Boy did that trip go fast. Lets see where did I stop? Tuesday we went into Vail to listen to music at the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater. But first we went for dinner at Lark Burger. They have great burgers and fries. If I lived in CO it would likely be my Yesterdog, um! Eli loves to people watch. So this was great for him. We sat on the top of the hill so we could see all of the people. And we saw people of all kinds, hippies (one with us) moms, dads, baby's, teens and everything in between.

During the day on Tuesday we went to Sylvan Lake for a picnic. We canoed and kayaked. Eli went for his first float. He had his hand in the water the entire time. It took us a bit to get the hang of it but once we got going......piece of cake. He almost fell asleep, if we would have had bunny with us he would have been out like a light.
For dinner one night we made ELK steak. Yes I said ELK. Mark shot this animal, with a bow I might add, and I had yet to try it. Surprisingly it was really good. He did a great job preparing it.
Thursday Mark had his friend Mike who is a fly fishing guide take us out on the Yampa River. It is a catch and release river that holds MONSTER trout. On the second cast I "hooked" a fish. The "fight" went on for what felt like forever. But in the end this fish won and so did the next 5 that I "hooked". I guess that is why they call it fishing and not catching. Mark has these pics on his camera, so those I'll post later.
Friday, our last day of vacation. We took the boat to Riffle, to a lake there to boat and fish. I am so happy that Eli likes the water. We took a trip around the lake and found the spot that had the least amount of people. Mark jumped in while I put Eli's life jacket on and then put Eli in the water. At first he didn't like it but soon he warmed up to it and was having fun. It didn't last very long but it was fun anyway!

Saturday, we packed the car and headed for Michigan. Nic stayed and is heading to Yosemite National Park for a few months to work and then hopefully back to CO for the ski season.
23.5 hours there and 21 hours back. My mom is superwoman and drove the majority of the way (thanks mom)!!!!! It was a great trip. The mountains with my family. I wish Justin could have been there. Maybe next year.
Peace and love for now...........