Sorry for the delay. Our computer has crashed and I haven't taken the time to wonder to the basement and use Nathans computer. So much has happened in the last several weeks i'm not sure where to start. A few weekends ago Justin and I took a lovely trip to the Two Hearted River in the Upper Peninsula. This is a place my dad would go in the fall and fish, so last year my brother and I took my dads ashes to the river canoed and then let the ashes go into Lake Superior. So I want to make a tradition of going each year and canoeing the river. It took a little convincing, but Justin finally agreed to go down the river with me. We had great weather and a great time. We ran into the bank a million times and ALMOST tipped the canoe, but managed to stay afloat. He would blame this one me, but for the record I have canoe with Mark several times now and not ONCE have we even come close to getting wet. So it was not my fault, Justin is the one that let us run into the tree!!!!!
Last weekend was Eli's 2nd birthday and a trip to Cedar Point. The birthday was great. I didn't get my mom's cake decorating skills, though I tried my best. I will post some pics soon so you can see my marvelous creation.
Now, last but not least.........we are starting the adoption process Eli will be a big brother. We have to go through the same process from the beginning but I plan on blogging about it along the way.
So when you say your prayers for the day send one up for our new bundel of joy, for the birth mom and that God picks that special one to join our family soon, that they will both be healthy and this will be a decision made of selflessness and not of necessity.
I don't know about you but I can't wait to see what he or she looks like.
That is incredible news! wow
wow wow
WHOA! Thats awesome! I can say that Eli is THE most loved child that I know, so little baby sister/or brother will be just as much. Ahh, I'm so excited
soooo excited and happy for you guys!!! definitely praying for you three and that God truly shows himself in ways that only He can do!!!
I have missed your posts. Glad you are back at it. First, HAPPY birthday to Eli. I hope his day was great and I can't wait to see the pics of his cake :)
Also...SOOO excited to hear your news about adopting again. Can't wait to follow you on this journey. Will be praying for your next little blessing.
Love you lots.
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