Justin caught the first fish. After that the gloves came off, I wasn't going to let him win. All together we caught at least a dozen blue gill and a few yellow belly sun fish, mine being the biggest, of course.
Justin was getting frustrated so he gave up. He said the fish were vultures, because they keep getting his worm without him getting them. It was rather comical to watch him get sooooo frustrated. So he decided to take Eli out in the kayak.
My big catch of the night.....a sun fish.
Eli enjoying an orange soda. This is what happens when PAPA is around......

Eli seemed to be a little scared of the fish. As we would take them off the hook and toss them back in, he would squirm just a little. We MUST work on this. I can't have him afraid of fish. I need his help taking them off my hook next year.
And this UGLY thing is a bull fish that Dan caught. It is the SLIMIEST thing I have ever laid eyes on. I must remember, God made ALL things for a purpose......
On that note, the evening was great. It was nice to spend time with the men in my life.
Only 3 days until we head for Colorado.
The calender on my fridge has been a great reminder, in case I were to forget. Ya Right.
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