Okay, I have this big dream of becoming a farmer.
And our trip today makes the dream bigger and a dream of the past.
I love the animals, especially the babies. But at the same time that is a lot of work.

We had a chance to feed the "kids" baby goats, and the calf's. We held the chicks, pet bunnies and milked a goat

All of the kids had a blast!!!!

Eli was in his GLORY....he had so much fun with all of the animals. When we asked him which was his favorite he said the pig...(I was surprised by that, it's usually the horse's)

And our trip today makes the dream bigger and a dream of the past.
I love the animals, especially the babies. But at the same time that is a lot of work.
We had a chance to feed the "kids" baby goats, and the calf's. We held the chicks, pet bunnies and milked a goat
All of the kids had a blast!!!!
Eli was in his GLORY....he had so much fun with all of the animals. When we asked him which was his favorite he said the pig...(I was surprised by that, it's usually the horse's)
We are very blessed to have such great teachers that plan such wonderful trips and love our kiddo's so much....
And driving home, I realized just how great it is to live in West Michigan.
I am grateful for all of the farmers (we drove past a lot of farms) in the area that work so hard.
Enjoy the spring weather this weekend!!!
And driving home, I realized just how great it is to live in West Michigan.
I am grateful for all of the farmers (we drove past a lot of farms) in the area that work so hard.
Enjoy the spring weather this weekend!!!
Grace and peace to you this weekend!!!!