Well it's been awhile. Not to much going on these days around here. Still waiting for our home study to be approved......and then we wait for a birth mom to choose us.....so really it's like being pregnant.....lots of waiting. Eli is doing great in school. He just loves to be with his friends and with his teachers. And I think they love him just as much. What's not to love, right?
Justin is still pluggin away at Grace Bible College. Although I think he is getting wherry. And me, well I'm still adjusting to the stay at home thing....don't get me wrong I LOVE IT....I just need to make better use of my time!!!!!
Well here are a few pics, cause I know that's what you've been waiting to see!!!!
(These pics are in no particular order!!!)
Thanks pinterest for the idea
(food coloring in a spray bottle) 
Wilson and Blue playing while we open gifts Christmas morning

Justin and Eli playing with the race track..notice the bright sun shinning on them....I love the sun we have had this winter

Eli and grandma making popcorn balls...or shall we say Eli eating as much as he can..before she can make the balls!!!

decorating the tree....I love to do this and it's fun to see Eli helping

Uncle Mark and Eli at Yankee Springs the day after Christmas....we MUST take advantage of the sunshine!!!!.....and I love this time I get with them too!!!

Eli bowling with his class

Eli's teacher Miss Joy...O' how we love her and all of his teachers!!!!!
I hope you are all enjoying the snow....this has been a crazy winter, but it's been a fast one....it's almost February, hard to believe....soon spring will be here and school will be done for the year....
Grace and Peace.......