The adoption is moving along very smooth so far. We have had 2 interviews now and the third and last will likely be the week after Thanksgiving. Then we wait for the home study to be written. Once that is finished and we are approved, which there really is no reason for that not to happen, then we go onto the profile list. Bethany will share our profile with birth moms that match what we are looking for, ie race (any) gender(either) and openness (open). Then we wait for a birth mom to pick us. A few things you could pray about for us
pounding golf tees into a pumpkin. building motor skills
1. that God's hand be in all of this
2. If there are any hiccups this time that we will draw strength from God and not get discouraged but us that as a building block for our dependence on God
3. Lastly, for Eli, that with a new baby coming to our family that the transition for him would be a positive one.
Thank you for your support as we begin to build our family, it means the world to us to have family and friends behind us!!
I hope your work is filled with joy and peace. Talk to ya soon!!