Okay I have attempted this post several times and have gotten side tracked each time. For many reasons. Not really sure what I want to say for one and life for two. I am going to post random pictures that really don't apply to what I am saying, but who doesn't like to look at pictures?
I've been thinking how I want this year to be different. I think each year I set out to make this one different and never seem to really accomplish what I intend to.

This year I will be 35.....wow...(I'm not afraid to share that, I'm proud of it(for now at least)). 10 years ago My dad took us to Maine to celebrate his 50th birthday. Who would have thought that in ten years from then he wouldn't be with us here on the earth. I think I would have thought you were crazy had you told me that.
This year I want to do something fun in May to celebrate my turning 35 and to celebrate my dad. If he were here I hope I would be doing the same thing, so why not still do it.

There are many things I want to change in my life. I want Jesus to be my #1 best friend. We are friends right now, but I certainly don't trust him for everything...and I NEED to. I also want to be healthy....not 110lbs healthy, but fit....not winded running up the stairs after the dog. In order to do that I need some accountability. I have a few friends that together we are going to run the 10K River Bank Run. This will help a lot. My goal is to not walk AT ALL. In the past I have "trained" for an event and told myself that I could walk, NOT this time, it's for real NO walking.

Some other things I want to do, hike more. Just because I don't live in CO doesn't mean I can't hike. I love to be outside and with baby #2 on it's way (sometime) I had better enjoy Eli as much as I can. I want to grow and can my own veggies this summer. I want to learn yoga. I want to be a better wife, I have a lot of work ahead of me for this one. I want to sleep at night, this is part of getting healthy. I want to do more as a family, even if it is only 20 minutes down the road. You don't have to go far for it to be enjoyable. Michigan is a great place to be in the summer and I want to take full advantage of that. I really want to be more organized (work in progress).

Most of all I just want to be joyful. I know that I will accomplish these things with the help of my Lord. Keeping him at the head of my life in all things will help me to be a better person. Beside, I'm not a good representation of Jesus and his love if I am always cranky.
Peace and love, till next time!!!!