What a crazy last few weeks....
Mom waiting to here from Colorado
Eli breaks his leg
Justin gets chest pain and we spend 2 days in the hospital
Get home from the hospital and my mom gives me the good news that.......she is MOVING to CO
Hip Hip Hooray....It is truly a bitter
sweet moment....She will have a great job, get to spend time with Mark and live in Colorado...that is the
sweet....the bitter, I won't have my mom with in a minutes drive if I need/want her....Thank the Lord for Skype and Verizon to Verizon unlimited talk.....I guess this means that I will have to visit Co more often, O' shucks.....
Eli is really going to miss his GAGA. It has been great watching them these last few days....Now there relationship will be even sweeter when he will travel to spend a week or more with his GAGA in CO.....what kid wouldn't be ex-tactic about that?
And to top it all of Justin will begin is 18 month journey to earning a Bachelors degree starting in a few weeks.....every week on Tuesday nights......five week classes for 18 straight months.....and when he is done he will have a degree in Leadership and Ministry.....I can't wait to see where God will take us after that.....COLORADO maybe??
Peace and Love for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!